“El Palmar was very special for Gilberto and Gilberto was very special for El Palmar,” said Federico Vollmer in Central El Palmar during a Mass held in the company for which he worked for 55 years.
For Gilberto Mendoza, President Emeritus of the World Boxing Association, El Palmar was his life. He devoted much of his time to improving and making contributions to the company. Because of the affection of the workers and owners of the sugar mill felt for Don Gilberto, they decided that a posthumous tribute, on Wednesday, March 16, should be within its facilities.
“For me, El Palmar was a barometer,” said Gilberto Jesus Mendoza, current president of the longest running boxing sanctioning body, to highlight how important El Palmar was for his father. “If things worked in El Palmar, then the WBA was fine.”
Meanwhile, Elena Mendoza Alvarado said, “It was impossible not bring the ceremony here. Gilberto could stop anything, but never Central El Palmar.”
Vollmer, one of the owners of the company, said, “Despite his many successes and status in the world, Don Gilberto had his feet on the ground, and he had his wife Elena to thank for lifting him up when he was low. He was an honest and upright man who was committed to excellence. He was a man who always put the interests of others first, whether it as the WBA, the scouts, of El Palmar.”
On Thursday, March 17, in Barquisimeto, Lara, Venezuela, Don Gilberto Mendoza was interred in his final resting place.
This article was penned by the author who is not related to the WBA and the statements, expressions or opinions referenced herein are that of the author alone and not the WBA.