Panama and Venezuela honored the life of Gilberto Mendoza 

Panama and Venezuela honored the life of Gilberto Mendoza 
Panama and Venezuela honored the life of Gilberto Mendoza

Panama and Venezuela honored the life of Gilberto Mendoza 

Panama and Venezuela honored the life of Gilberto Mendoza 
Panama and Venezuela honored the life of Gilberto Mendoza

Panama and Venezuela celebrated the life of Gilberto Mendoza, President Emeritus of the World Boxing Association (WBA), who passed away eight years ago, with masses held in the capitals of both countries. 

Panama officiated a mass in the morning  with the presence of several trainers, fighters and promoters, as well as the staff of the pioneer organization to remember and honor the memory of a man who made this country his second home and who worked hard to develop the WBA in this territory. 

In the afternoon, in Caracas, Venezuela, his native country, another mass was held with great presence of authorities and local boxing actors in honor of Mendoza, who passed away in 2016 and this Monday marked eight years since that physical departure. 

Additionally, a mass promoted by the Street Boxing program was held, also in Caracas, where an exhibition with child boxers was held in memory of Memory of Mendoza.



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