United States, Japan, Mexico and Great Britain make the 35.06% of the rated boxers in the World Boxing Association October ratings, recently published.
United States has 33 rated boxers, Japan 21, Mexico and Great Bretain has 17 each to make a total of 88 rated boxers.
The ranking has 251 rated boxers of 46 countries of the five continents. 44,62 % are from America, 22.31 % from Europe, 21,91 % from Asia, 5,98 % from Oceanía 5,18% Africa.
Philippines has 13 rated boxers, Australia and Russia have a dozen each; Thailand 11, Dominican Republic 10, South Africa 8. There are seven Venezuelan and seven Colombian; six Puerto Rican, five Nicaraguans, Panamanians, Cubans and Argentineans.
Of this last group, 4 of the 5 Cubans are champions (one interim) and the fifth is international Champion.
In addition, there are 19 countries with at least one fighter located as challenger in any division.