WBA Directorate discussed the progress of the online convention

WBA Directorate discussed the progress of the online convention
The WBA invites to an online press conference with Gilberto Jesús Mendoza on Thursday

WBA Directorate discussed the progress of the online convention

WBA Directorate discussed the progress of the online convention
The WBA invites to an online press conference with Gilberto Jesús Mendoza on Thursday

The fifth online meeting of the World Boxing Association (WBA) directorate, held on Thursday morning, reviewed a number of issues related to the organization, especially advances on the online convention to be held from July 1st to July 4th.

The special committee appointed by WBA president, Gilberto Jesús Mendoza, gave a detailed report on all aspects of the 99th convention to all the directors. This provided an opportunity for interaction among the members who gave ideas for new activities to be added to the agenda.

The convention intends to highlight almost 100 years of history and to serve as a perfect prelude to the centenary, which will be held in Russia in July, 2021. There will be forums related to gender equality, the WBA Academy, and the amateur field. It will also mark the route to the next 100 years of world boxing.

The participation of the legendary promoter Bob Arum in the forum “99 years of history” was confirmed for July 2nd. The leader of Top Rank will be interacting with President Mendoza and another great historical figure of boxing, which is to be confirmed.

Great fighters such as Hanna Gabriels and Orlando Cruz have already confirmed their participation in the event, while we are waiting for other fighters’ confirmation.

The directors also talked about the progress of the creation of a technological platform that will serve to channel complaints and requests from promoters in a direct and efficient way.

They also discussed the necessary flexibility of the WBA rules, in order to favor the fighters in these times of pandemic. The idea is to facilitate the development of fights so that those involved in the sport can return to do what they love.

Although no exact date was set for next directorate meeting, the president said that the date would be announced soon and left some points to be discussed at the next meeting.

WBA 99th World Convention - Agenda

WBA 99th World Convention - Agenda

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