WBA totals 34 champions

WBA totals 34 champions

WBA totals 34 champions

WBA totals 34 champions

WBA Champions for May 2014
WBA totals 34 champions

The World Boxing Association has 34 titles, 4 of them are unified, light heavyweight – 175 pounds-, welterweight -147 pounds-, super bantamweight -122 pounds- and flyweight -112 pounds.

There are six super champions divided into 6 divisions, heavy, super middleweight, middleweight, super welterweight, super lightweight super bantamweight.

There are fourteen regular champions and a dozen interim champions to complete the picture of the 34 world champions.

United States is the country with the largest number of reigning champions in the WBA, six champions in seven divisions.

Three of them are super champions Andre Ward, Floyd Mayweather Jr (154 lbs) and Danny Garcia. Two unified champions are Bernard Hopkins at light heavyweight, and Mayweather Jr, one interim champion in welterweight, Keith Thurman, and one regular champion in the super lightweight division, Jessie Vargas.

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