¿Por qué será histórico el Gassiev-Usyk en Moscú?

¿Por qué será histórico el Gassiev-Usyk en Moscú?
Why will Gassiev-Usyk be historic in Moscow? Francisco Pimentel The World Boxing Association cruiserweight champion, Murat Gassiev, and his rival in Moscow, Oleksandr Usyk, will fight to inscribe their name in golden letters in the annals of boxing, as he who wins this expected duel will be recognized as the first cruiserweight in history to be called unified champion. Gassiev, who is also the champion of the International Boxing Federation, intends to shoulder the championships of the World Boxing Council and the World Boxing Organization held by Usyk, in the final part of the World Boxing Super Series cruiserweight tournament that will also deliver the Muhammad Ali trophy to the winner. Prior to Gassiev or Usyk this Saturday in Russia, only three fighters have been able to hold the four most recognized titles in modern boxing, the first of them being Bernard Hopkins in 2004 at middleweight, the second was Jermain Taylor who in 2005 snatched all the belts from 'B-Hop' and after many years, just in 2017, Terence Crawford unified in the super lightweight division all the titles previously mentioned. To get to this historic fight, Gassiev beat Yunier Dorticos to win the WBA championship last February with a dramatic knockout in round 12. Him and his trainer Abel Sanchez have, according to the betting lines, a 50 percent chance to be crowned as the historical unified cruiserweight champion. Usyk, on the other hand, last won by a disputed majority decision over Mairis Briedis for the WBC championship and added it to the WBO title that he already held. The Ukrainian will look for his most notable triumph since he made his professional debut in 2013, two years after the champion Murat Gassiev did it. For this historical fight smoldering and on the horizon, Gassiev will arrive with a mark of 26-0 and 19 knockouts, while Usyk will come into the fight with a record of 14-0 and 11 knockouts.. Photo: WBSS.

¿Por qué será histórico el Gassiev-Usyk en Moscú?

¿Por qué será histórico el Gassiev-Usyk en Moscú?
Why will Gassiev-Usyk be historic in Moscow? Francisco Pimentel The World Boxing Association cruiserweight champion, Murat Gassiev, and his rival in Moscow, Oleksandr Usyk, will fight to inscribe their name in golden letters in the annals of boxing, as he who wins this expected duel will be recognized as the first cruiserweight in history to be called unified champion. Gassiev, who is also the champion of the International Boxing Federation, intends to shoulder the championships of the World Boxing Council and the World Boxing Organization held by Usyk, in the final part of the World Boxing Super Series cruiserweight tournament that will also deliver the Muhammad Ali trophy to the winner. Prior to Gassiev or Usyk this Saturday in Russia, only three fighters have been able to hold the four most recognized titles in modern boxing, the first of them being Bernard Hopkins in 2004 at middleweight, the second was Jermain Taylor who in 2005 snatched all the belts from 'B-Hop' and after many years, just in 2017, Terence Crawford unified in the super lightweight division all the titles previously mentioned. To get to this historic fight, Gassiev beat Yunier Dorticos to win the WBA championship last February with a dramatic knockout in round 12. Him and his trainer Abel Sanchez have, according to the betting lines, a 50 percent chance to be crowned as the historical unified cruiserweight champion. Usyk, on the other hand, last won by a disputed majority decision over Mairis Briedis for the WBC championship and added it to the WBO title that he already held. The Ukrainian will look for his most notable triumph since he made his professional debut in 2013, two years after the champion Murat Gassiev did it. For this historical fight smoldering and on the horizon, Gassiev will arrive with a mark of 26-0 and 19 knockouts, while Usyk will come into the fight with a record of 14-0 and 11 knockouts.. Photo: WBSS.

¿Por qué será histórico el Gassiev-Usyk en Moscú?.  Foto: WBSS.
¿Por qué será histórico el Gassiev-Usyk en Moscú?. Foto: WBSS.

El campeón de peso crucero de la Asociación Mundial de Boxeo, Murat Gassiev, y su rival para este sábado en Moscú, el ucraniano Oleksandr Usyk, pelearán por inscribir su nombre con letras de oro en los anales del pugilismo, pues el que gane su esperado duelo, será reconocido como el primer peso Crucero en la historia en ser llamado campeón unificado.

Gassiev, que además es monarca de la Federación Internacional de Boxeo, pretende echarse al hombro los campeonatos del Consejo Mundial de Boxeo y Organización Mundial de Boxeo en poder de Usyk, en la parte final del torneo de pesos cruceros de la World Boxing Super Series, que además entregará el trofeo Muhammad Ali.

Hasta antes de Gassiev o Usyk este sábado en Rusia, sólo tres peleadores han podido ostentar los cuatro títulos más reconocidos en el boxeo moderno, el primer de ellos fue, en 2004, Bernard Hopkins en peso mediano, el segundo fue Jermain Taylor, que en 2005 le arrebató todas las fajas a ‘B-Hop’ y después de muchos años, apenas en 2017, Terence Crawford unificó en peso superligero los campeonatos mencionados.

Para llegar a este combate histórico, Gassiev quitó a Yunier Dórticos el campeonato de la AMB en febrero pasado con un dramático nocaut en el round 12. El entrenador por Abel Sánchez tiene, de acuerdo con las líneas de apuestas, el 50 por ciento de posibilidades de consagrarse como el histórico campeón unificado de peso Crucero, y seguramente la localía jugará su papel.

Usyk, por su parte, ganó por una disputada decisión mayoritaria a Mairis Briedis el campeonato del CMB y lo sumó al que ya tenía de la OMB. El ucraniano buscará su triunfo más notable desde que debutó como profesional en 2013, dos años más tarde de que lo hiciera el campeón Murat Gassiev.

Para este combate histórico y con olor a pólvora, Gassiev llegará con una marca de 26-0 y 19 nocauts, mientras que Usyk lo hará con 14-0 y 11 nocauts.

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