Two month without the Great Leader

Two month without the Great Leader
Gilberto Mendoza en el pesaje del XXXI KO a Las Drogas en Chiapas, México, 2015.

Two month without the Great Leader

Two month without the Great Leader
Gilberto Mendoza en el pesaje del XXXI KO a Las Drogas en Chiapas, México, 2015.

Gilberto Mendoza at XXXI KO Drugs weighin in Chiapas, Mexico, 2015
Gilberto Mendoza at XXXI KO Drugs weighin in Chiapas, Mexico, 2015

When a loved one leaves us, we feel like time freezes. It seems like it had never happened, that he is traveling, and that he will come back soon and life will continue as it always was. We have seen it happen in small families. However, in our case, the absence of Gilberto Mendoza affects us all within the WBA family and the great boxing family around the world.

This absence feeling is greater when it comes to a person who was wise, firm and had a soft “left hand” to lead a very complicated activity with many personal and economic interests and that had been linked to the gangland in the 60’s.

Gilberto worked hard to clean the image of boxing. He made this best to appoint neutral officials to avoid controversial decisions, also, the appointment of directors from national affiliated commissions attracted many countries from every corner of the world. He wanted the best champions of each continent to fight for the unique championship.

All his speeches in every annual convention and executive committee were rhetorical lessons filled with teachings to every leader attending the WBA meeting. Sometimes he used direct language while others he used very funny metaphors, and he made himself understood.

He always had a friendly smile and confident attitude. You could never tell how worried he was about any situations around him. However, the smile and warmth greeting of his beloved wife, Elena Alvarado de Mendoza whenever you met them, as well as her infinite love and understanding gave him the strength to cope with anything that could hunt him.

Wherever his is, he must be happy for having left his beloved organization in the best hands. Despite his intelligence and expertise, it is not an easy time for Gilberto Jesus. However, in different parts of the world, especially in Venezuela, there are people who are willing to help and cooperate with him in any way possible.

Two months without the Great Leader. Although we not want his absence, it is evident.
Nevertheless, everywhere… we feel his presence.

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